October 04, 2007
A chance to win a 3 day/2night vacation!!
You could win a 3 day vacation just for entering this scrapbooking contest.
Click on this link for all the details!!
Laura at www.scrapbookdreamer.com is also hostessing a brahaha. Sound interesting??? Just decorate a bra, donate $5, and be entered for a chance to win!! You can see all the details in the forums.
Click on this link for all the details!!
Laura at www.scrapbookdreamer.com is also hostessing a brahaha. Sound interesting??? Just decorate a bra, donate $5, and be entered for a chance to win!! You can see all the details in the forums.
October 01, 2007
I can't believe it's been 2 months since I've updated my blog. Sorry everyone!! It's been crazy hectic around here up until just this last week...and then it got even crazier!!!
Dan has been putting in some really long hours, we are still organizing and re-organizing our new home and learning to live in town again. Dan and I realized yesterday (as he's draining our water tanks all over the driveway--whoop)) that we haven't really lived in town for a very long time. I dont' think the duplex counted, as everyone was expecting lots of noice and such. Not here...the neighbors complain when the other neighbors' dogs bark at us. grrrr....so much for nice neighbors.
Our daycare is coming along. We are certified, but waiting on a business license. It seems our two greates supporters in the neighborhood are now are greatest opponents. They decided that they don't want the noise of small children bothering them during the day. So, we are now headed to a planning and zoning committee meeting for some rounds of he said/she said and such. One of the neighbors has been contacting all the councilmen and board members trying to win their votes. Well guess what....so are we :) Like Dan says, they haven't seen anything til they pissed off 2 Urbigkit women!!! We plan to fight this all the way, as we haven't been given a fair hearing as of yet. The next step is appeals and attourneys. It's the principle, yanno???
I am officially an employee of Castle Rock hospital district as of 10am this morning. I will be doing 2 12 hours shifts a week and then as many extra shifts as I'd like. It will be a combination of night shifts and what they call a swing shift--11am to 11pm, both of whci will be great for AMy and I to work the daycare. I am excited to be back in the ED. I've really missed the challenges as well as the friendships. My first day back is the 8th. It's been exactly 1 year since I"ve touched a 'real' ED patient, so wish me luck. I'd hate to kill someone on the first day back lol.
Heather and Logan are growing and getting so mature. We are starting to leave the terrible twos and enter the sweet, wonderous threes. Both are super sensitive about owies and the pain of others. We go through at least a box of bandaids a week and millions of kisses for every boo-boo, both real and imagined :) Logan is now 40 lbs and Heather a big 24 lbs. I just can't believe they are almost 3. It breaks my heart that my babies are no longer babies. If only we could just add one more to the brood hehehe. Dan says no way...
So, it's up to Amy and Jason to supply me with soft, fuzzy, sweet smelling heads to love on.
I'll put up some pics in the next post. I forget I have to add the pics first and then the text. Works better that way.
Dan has been putting in some really long hours, we are still organizing and re-organizing our new home and learning to live in town again. Dan and I realized yesterday (as he's draining our water tanks all over the driveway--whoop)) that we haven't really lived in town for a very long time. I dont' think the duplex counted, as everyone was expecting lots of noice and such. Not here...the neighbors complain when the other neighbors' dogs bark at us. grrrr....so much for nice neighbors.
Our daycare is coming along. We are certified, but waiting on a business license. It seems our two greates supporters in the neighborhood are now are greatest opponents. They decided that they don't want the noise of small children bothering them during the day. So, we are now headed to a planning and zoning committee meeting for some rounds of he said/she said and such. One of the neighbors has been contacting all the councilmen and board members trying to win their votes. Well guess what....so are we :) Like Dan says, they haven't seen anything til they pissed off 2 Urbigkit women!!! We plan to fight this all the way, as we haven't been given a fair hearing as of yet. The next step is appeals and attourneys. It's the principle, yanno???
I am officially an employee of Castle Rock hospital district as of 10am this morning. I will be doing 2 12 hours shifts a week and then as many extra shifts as I'd like. It will be a combination of night shifts and what they call a swing shift--11am to 11pm, both of whci will be great for AMy and I to work the daycare. I am excited to be back in the ED. I've really missed the challenges as well as the friendships. My first day back is the 8th. It's been exactly 1 year since I"ve touched a 'real' ED patient, so wish me luck. I'd hate to kill someone on the first day back lol.
Heather and Logan are growing and getting so mature. We are starting to leave the terrible twos and enter the sweet, wonderous threes. Both are super sensitive about owies and the pain of others. We go through at least a box of bandaids a week and millions of kisses for every boo-boo, both real and imagined :) Logan is now 40 lbs and Heather a big 24 lbs. I just can't believe they are almost 3. It breaks my heart that my babies are no longer babies. If only we could just add one more to the brood hehehe. Dan says no way...
So, it's up to Amy and Jason to supply me with soft, fuzzy, sweet smelling heads to love on.
I'll put up some pics in the next post. I forget I have to add the pics first and then the text. Works better that way.
July 11, 2007
My little Heather...
She is such a pretty, sweet little girl--but NEVER looks directly at the camera. NOt sure how he got this shot, but I think it beautiful...and will most likely end up on a scrapbook page very soon!
June 25, 2007
It's been awhile!!!!
It has been a busy, crazy month!! Dan has been gone from home about 50% of the time and when he is home, he's trying catch up on all the things going on in his county. My childcare business is growing and possibly expanding. Heather and Logan are becoming so independant that most of the time I only see them when they are hungry or fighting!! So, needless to say, my blog has been severely neglected, sorry.
These are some pictures from June. We went to Lagoon ( a big amusement park in SLC) and to the zoo. It was a fun but very tiring trip. Lots of hours in the car PLUS all of us getting sick and then 100 degree weather--when we are used to 60's, was the kicker.
Heather LOVEs her babies--and I love that she's finally developing her imaginative play to incorporate lots of props and verbal pretending.

Jason celebrated his 28th birthday this weekend. I have a hard time believing he's 28--let alone I'm almost 31!!acckk. We ate Mexican and then built fence. I'll bet this is the highlight of his birthdays lol. Alicia found a lady in town to make him a cake with a Ford truck on the front.
Danno building fence. His hair is getting so long I call him Flavio hahaha. He's even got that gay stripper head toss thing down :)

Logan LOVES Heather's princess shoes. Unfortunately (or fortunately from Dan's point of view) he can't walk in them. Guess guys just aren't made to walk in heels.
After purchasing the train table, the guys and Alicia stayed up til 2am putting it together--and playing with it!!

Picture of Heather, Logan and AnnieP at the zoo. They were glued to every exhibit. It was lots of fun this time, as they could imitate sounds and learn about the different animals.
Heather found this old disposable camera and spent days taking pictures....even when the film was all used up!! I'd love to get them developed to see what her perspective of things are.

Because I have children under 2, I'm not allowed by the state to have a swimming pool for the kids to play in. So....I cheated just a tad. Who says you can't swim in the texture table tubs???
These are some pictures from June. We went to Lagoon ( a big amusement park in SLC) and to the zoo. It was a fun but very tiring trip. Lots of hours in the car PLUS all of us getting sick and then 100 degree weather--when we are used to 60's, was the kicker.
Jason celebrated his 28th birthday this weekend. I have a hard time believing he's 28--let alone I'm almost 31!!acckk. We ate Mexican and then built fence. I'll bet this is the highlight of his birthdays lol. Alicia found a lady in town to make him a cake with a Ford truck on the front.
Logan LOVES Heather's princess shoes. Unfortunately (or fortunately from Dan's point of view) he can't walk in them. Guess guys just aren't made to walk in heels.
Picture of Heather, Logan and AnnieP at the zoo. They were glued to every exhibit. It was lots of fun this time, as they could imitate sounds and learn about the different animals.
Because I have children under 2, I'm not allowed by the state to have a swimming pool for the kids to play in. So....I cheated just a tad. Who says you can't swim in the texture table tubs???
May 03, 2007
Scrapbook Day crop!!
Welcome everyone to Kitty's Anniversary EXTRAVAGANZA!!! This is going to be so much fun!!! Each week one of the Design Team members, Sarah, Melonie, Lynne Anne and I will be posting a challenge or two and games! On NSD extra challenges will be posted and on the ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND (May 26th) more challenges games & fun! And don't forget about the Awesome prizes!!! So come on in, pull up your scrappy supplies and enjoy your visit!
Welcome everyone to Kitty's Anniversary EXTRAVAGANZA!!! This is going to be so much fun!!! Each week one of the Design Team members, Sarah, Melonie, Lynne Anne and I will be posting a challenge or two and games! On NSD extra challenges will be posted and on the ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND (May 26th) more challenges games & fun! And don't forget about the Awesome prizes!!! So come on in, pull up your scrappy supplies and enjoy your visit!
April 20, 2007
I am soooo sick of winter!!!
WE had one little taste of spring. Just one...and the it snowed 4 inches. GRRRRR. The kids are cranky and cooped up, momma is cranky and cooped up...we NEED to get outside and make some Vitamin A! Otherwise, I'm going to have to find some artificial Vitamin A (and in medical terms that means Ativan!!) hahaha. These are some pictures from the last week of the doobers.
A FUN online crop going on now!!!
They have been so kind as to invite me to be their guest designer for a couple months, and I 'm having a blast! The crop going on now, is 2 - 3 week sessions with LOTS of challenges and hundreds of points to be won. Come check it out! Online crops are a great way to get all those pictures on paper that you've been putting off!
They have been so kind as to invite me to be their guest designer for a couple months, and I 'm having a blast! The crop going on now, is 2 - 3 week sessions with LOTS of challenges and hundreds of points to be won. Come check it out! Online crops are a great way to get all those pictures on paper that you've been putting off!
March 31, 2007
Just a few scrapbook pages I've done this month...

Lots of fun pages this month...some I can show and some I can't. Here are a few of my faves.
Logan in a big star. A contest layout :)

heather playing on my scraptable. This is using a Becky Fleck sketch created just for www.scrapbookdreamer.com March contest.

A simple, masculine page with logan playing with a tape measure.

One of the few wedding pics I have...I have found this Basic Grey Blush line might be a perfect match to our fall themed wedding. The pinks/teals/oranges are super pretty!

Miss Heather in a wild moment.
Whoops....sorry it's been a while!!

We've had a super busy month of March. First, a big move the middle of February, Dan away from home for days and days attending classes, trainings, and investigations, my daycare business taking off...
So, here are some random, favorite pictures I've taken over the last couple weeks.
Miss Heather and her giggly, girly, grin.
Doug and Linda visited for a few days and helped Dan finish up our deck rails.
I'm a sucker for close cropped, big eye pictures. These baby blues just get me....
Annelise and Amy visited over the weekend as well. Missy P is getting so big...and so very independant!! She is super sweet and super smart, and so much fun to have around!
Heather and Logan are both obsessed with crayons and book-books (notebooks, yanno, like on blues clues :) ) They are both drawing great faces and can tell stories from their drawings. It's very cute...
Logan VS Mom--the nap wars continue. He will finally just crash anywhere, in the middle of doing anything. Poor kid...this time he dozed off in the middle of a grand creation.
Both of the doobers love being outside. Heather insists on wearing a hat 'cause its "indy" and she doesn't like the "ind" in her ears hahaha. She also enjoys power tools, much to her papa's delight.
Logan playing in the dirt that is our backyard.
A guy needs goggles to cut wood, yanno. If you don't have them on, they dust gets in your "eyuez".
March 12, 2007
March 10, 2007
A fun new Scrapping Contest!!
Kittys-Kloset is hosting fun new contest. You must use a sketch/embellishment/technique from the list. The winner will get 2 complete sets of the new Dreamstreet papers-- Take a peek!
The coolest part is I got to write/post this contest :)
Dreams are . . . illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you.
-Marsha Norman
Isn't this a most thought-provoking quote? Here at Kitty's Kloset, we are doing some dreaming of our own.
Let's soothe away those winter blahs and dream of spring flowers and sunshine. What is the prize you ask? 12...yes 12 sheets of the new Dream Street papers. That is 2 complete collections, both Baylee's Garden and Near & Dear!
To have a chance at winning these wonderful papers, you must complete this challenge as outlined below.
We would love to see what you can do with this sketch by Nicole White [url]http://www.scrapforums.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=12146&sort=1&cat=692&page=1[/url] of the famed Funk It Up over at www.scrapforums.com You can turn it upside down, sideways, wonky...however you'd like, but we must be able to recognize that you've used this sketch for inspiration.
Please include at least 1 of the following embellishments:
chipboard shape
AND at least one of the following techniques:
embossing (any method)
stitching (this may be machine or hand stitching)
You must complete and upload your layout to this [url=http://www.kittys-kloset.com/phpBB2/album_cat.php?cat_id=90]album[/url] by March 23 at midnight EST. This layout must be newly created for this contest and not posted to any other online galleries until this contest is officially over. After that...post away! Everyone deserves some praise for their hard work.
On March 24th, Queen Kitty will be posting a poll in the forums to choose the winner, so be sure to check back and vote for your favorite layout. The winner will be announced via the forum and featured on the blog, [url=http://www.kittyskloset.blogspot.com/]MEWS-ings![/url] These are due 03/23/07 by midnight (PST).
Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over....they come to scrap a wall between us, but we know that they won't win...[/b
The coolest part is I got to write/post this contest :)
Dreams are . . . illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you.
-Marsha Norman
Isn't this a most thought-provoking quote? Here at Kitty's Kloset, we are doing some dreaming of our own.
Let's soothe away those winter blahs and dream of spring flowers and sunshine. What is the prize you ask? 12...yes 12 sheets of the new Dream Street papers. That is 2 complete collections, both Baylee's Garden and Near & Dear!
To have a chance at winning these wonderful papers, you must complete this challenge as outlined below.
We would love to see what you can do with this sketch by Nicole White [url]http://www.scrapforums.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=12146&sort=1&cat=692&page=1[/url] of the famed Funk It Up over at www.scrapforums.com You can turn it upside down, sideways, wonky...however you'd like, but we must be able to recognize that you've used this sketch for inspiration.
Please include at least 1 of the following embellishments:
chipboard shape
AND at least one of the following techniques:
embossing (any method)
stitching (this may be machine or hand stitching)
You must complete and upload your layout to this [url=http://www.kittys-kloset.com/phpBB2/album_cat.php?cat_id=90]album[/url] by March 23 at midnight EST. This layout must be newly created for this contest and not posted to any other online galleries until this contest is officially over. After that...post away! Everyone deserves some praise for their hard work.
On March 24th, Queen Kitty will be posting a poll in the forums to choose the winner, so be sure to check back and vote for your favorite layout. The winner will be announced via the forum and featured on the blog, [url=http://www.kittyskloset.blogspot.com/]MEWS-ings![/url] These are due 03/23/07 by midnight (PST).
Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over....they come to scrap a wall between us, but we know that they won't win...[/b
February 26, 2007
Lots of scrapping stuff going on in March!!
I created this page for a valentine's day contest, using the theme "hold hands". I thought of Robert and Barbara and their hand-holding. Then, I dug thru mom's trip pics and found these.
This was a fast, easy one using an artsy black and white of heather.
I'm now working my way thru a big box of childhood pictures. They are a bit of a challenge, as they are small and mostly very dark.
www.Scrapbookdreamer.com is hosting a March sketch challenge. The best Part?? This sketch has been created just for us by the ever talented Becky Fleck!! You can see her website and free sketches here: www.pagemaps.com. The winner will receive a $20 gift certificate with free shipping from the store!!
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